VIDEO Production

(click to watch)


1998 APSOLUTNO 0002
Duration: 2,5 minutes

This video presents a view of the Balkans from the outside of this region.
The material for this video was shot at the Black Sea, in Bulgaria, in SECAM system. It was then edited on NTSC based AVID system in the U.S. without transferring. The result is a black and white stretched image, rich in glitches and noise caused by the manipulation with an incompatible source. The NTSC master copy was then transferred into PAL and brought back to the Balkans.
In this work, association APSOLUTNO uses the technical incompatibility of different video standards (PAL, SECAM, NTSC) to emphasise the differences in the ways reality is perceived. The video thus questions the possibility of cultural understanding.

In this video association APSOLUTNO presents the view of the Balkans from the outside as a view which is not direct, but rather mediated through a filter of technology, and media representations based on various assumptions. Through these filters the Balkans is presented as something IN BULK, a distant black and white mass, without a structure or organization. The image is hardly readable as it lacks clarity. The only sound is silence juxtaposed to an overwhelming noise arriving from this region that could be neither documented nor understood.

2000 APSOLUTNO 0000
Duration: 2,5 minutes

SERBEIKO je medijska instalacija koja u osnovi predstavlja snaznu asocijaciju autenticne interpretacije vremena (i drustvenih okolnosti) na jugoslovenskim / srpskim prostorima.
Istovremeno se preko ovakvog video materijala (i drugih medija - novinskog oglasa, radio dzingla, web sajta) naglasava ironican pogled na apsolutno tacno (srpsko) vreme.
Kao direktna asocijativna veza precizne kontrole vremena, upotrebljen je
prepoznatljiv logotip cuvene japanske firme SEIKO koji je vizuelno
transformisan u SERBEIKO. Ovim postupkom se omogucilo da se zadrzi i
zvucna asocijacija naslova u odnosu na originalni predlozak. Za osnovni vizuelni element, kao primer apsolutno realne cinjenice, upotrebljena je komjuterska i graficka animacija sata preuzeta sa drzavne televizije RTS.

prvi put prikazano na izlozbi "INSOMNIJA" januar 2000, Beograd
premijera video prikazivanja - Beogratski Festival Kratkog i Dokumentarnog Filma, mart 2000

dokumentarni film
1997 APSOLUTNO 0003
Trajanje: 15 minuta

Ispovest jedne osobe u javnom prostoru koji evocira rat u Jugoslaviji i njegove posledice, kako na licnom tako i na globalnom planu. Ukrstanje dva plana ove price odredilo je i naslov filma (1/1) koji prati paralelno licnu sudbinu aktera i sudbinu zivotnog prostora.

A personal account in a public space evoking the war in ex-Yugoslavia and its aftermath on a personal as well as the global plane. These two planes are intertwined in a narrative which unfolds as a personal story and a story about a whole area. This has determined the title of the film: 1/1, as a public/private relation, where each is separate but at the same time one and indivisible.

      VOYAGER 0004
1996 APSOLUTNO 0004
Trajanje: 9 minuta

Ovaj video realizovan je u formi poruke lansirane iz pecine.U strukturi filma isticu se tri elementa. Prvi je poruka, koja se sastoji od slike i autenticnog zvuka snimljenih u pecini. Drugi element cini tekst, koji konstantno protice na ekranu i daje podatke o tome kako i gde je poruka snimljena. I konacno, time-code, koji daje informaciju o realnom vremenu, kojeg je sve manje za prijem poruke. Video postavlja pitanje o (ne)mogucnostima za komunikaciju sa odredjene geografske, drustvene i politicke tacke.
Video film VOYAGER 0004, umetnicke asocijacije Apsolutno usredsredjen je na kontekst komunikacijskih opcija. Svojom formom i strukturom aludira pitanje izvesnih napredaka u komunikaciji planetarnih razmera? Sta su zapravo rezultati sve brzih i mocnijih globalnih sistema prenosenja informacija?
U jednom trenutku civilizacijske istorije, mnogo hiljada godina nakon prvih pokusaja belezenja i artikulacije instikta i nagona (pecinskog coveka), vrhunski rezultat nauke ovaplotio se u formi sofisticirane poruke upisane na zlatni disk. Instalirana u sondu i lansirana u kosmos, poruka je ubrzo otpocela svoju dugu pacifisticku misiju. Sadrzaj poruke, sa rezimiranim prilikama na planeti trebao bi da eventualnom kosmickom auditorijumu pruzi mogucnost uvida u zemaljska zbivanja/dostignuca te da ostvari povoljan utisak velike zainteresovanosti za uspostavljanjem nekakvog oblika komunikacije. Medjutim, kada se uzmu u obzir permanentne nesuglasice na nasoj planeti dovode se u pitanje mogucnosti saopstavanja lokalnih aktuelnosti visim, nizim ili inteligencijama slicnog ranga u ili van suncevog sistema. Dakle, sta izdvojiti kao referentne cinjenice koje bi najadekvatnije reprezentovale sadrzaje jedne geopoliticke sredine drugoj i na koji nacin ih saopstiti?
Ovo poslednje pitanje zapravo navodi na formu VOYAGER-a 0004 organizovanu kao autodeskriptivnu simulaciju poruke vitalne vaznosti za lokalitet sa koje se lansira. Latentna namera je i na ukazivanju ljudske opcinjenosti savremenim tehnoloskim dostignucima i fascinacijom komunikacionim medijumima. Pri tom esencijalni problemi opstenja bivaju apstrahovani.
Za autentican ambijent realizacije ovog projekta izabrana je Rajkova pecina u istocnoj Srbiji, u kojoj su digitalnom opremom belezeni i obradjivani nasumicni pokreti senki clanova umetnicke asocijacije APSOLUTNO. Igra senki po pecinskom nakitu postupno se transformise u grcevite, jedva primetne pokrete koji pretpostavljaju konacan raspad humanih oblika komunikacije i prelazak u domene komuniciranja vestackih inteligencija.

The art association APSOLUTNO has launched the VOYAGER 0004. The message carried by the VOYAGER 0004 is available in the following formats: CD ROM, BETA SP, S-VHS and VHS. The message carried by the VOYAGER 0004 was recorded in Rajko's Cave, 2.5 km from Majdanpek, East Serbia, Europe. Rajko's Cave is between 469,81 and 427,58 m of height above sea level.
Length: 2,380 m. Total surface: 12,803 m2. Volume: c. 100,000 m3. Temperature: constant; 8C. Humidity: constant; 100%. The message carried by the VOYAGER 0004 was recorded by the Sony DCR VX 1000E camera with the VELBON PX 704 tripod. Light: artificial; KOBOLD 1000 VL, 220 V, 1000 W, F6,3A NACH DIN 41660. The message carried by the VOYAGER 0004 was edited by non-linear editing system based on PC computer with Pentium processor working on 200 MHz, 256 KB Cache memory, hard disc digital recorder from digital processing system with 64 MB of memory and 6.5 GB hard disc capacity. The message carried by the VOYAGER 0004 contains authentic sounds from the cave. Sound editing: triple DAT sound card with 32 KHz, 44,1 KHz and 48 KHz sampling frequency. The message carried by the VOYAGER 0004 was recorded on 29 and 30 July 1996. The message carried by the VOYAGER 0004 was realized by APSOLUTNO art association.

(click to watch)


1996 APSOLUTNO 0004
Duration: 8 minutes

This video refers to the 'evening' of the millennium and the impact of the media on the experience of reality - questioning the way the media present information as fact. The video adopts the recognisable framework of TV news by utilising the first two words news presenters utter when addressing viewers. Transmissions from the TV channels of various countries, involving numerous languages, were appropriated.

(click to watch)

1995 APSOLUTNO 0005
Duration: 7 minuta
The association has conducted an investigation of a death of two transoceanic liners under suspicious circumstances. They are found in Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Yugoslavia, between the 1,258th and 1,259th kilometre of the Danube. The ships lie parralel to each other with their bows turned towards the south-west. The ships are 105 metres long and 16.2 metres wide. The main deck is 9 metres high on both ships. Their cargo capacity is 5,700 tons. There are no visible traces or signs on the spot which undoubtedly indicate a certain cause of death. The position of the ships, as well as the place and time they were found in, indicate an absolutely death. The investigation was conducted on 21 September 1995, from 6 pm to 9.30 pm.